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Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Day 1- Loving Who you are right at this moment

Welcome to Day one of the Love Yourself Series!

I am fearlessly; beautifully; authentically; me - by Anastasia Amour @

Today I want you to take 10 mins, sit with a blank piece of paper and something to write with. Put your name in the middle of the paper and as fast as possible, write down any words that you think describe you all around it. Be as honest as possible here; list anything and everything that comes to your mind. When you have run out of words I want you to take a minute to look over your list.

1.       How many attributes are positive and how many are negative? What makes something negative?

2.       Of the negative descriptors can you flip them to be positive? If not, why do you attribute these to yourself, try and find the connection.

      Accept where you are right now, who you are is valid and your feelings are important. We need to love ourselves, negative and positive.

Keep this sheet for further reflection on Day 2!

Deep Breath.
Love Always,

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