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Thursday, 15 September 2016

Day 2- Change Can be Good!

19 Quotes To Remind You That Valentine's Day Is Also About Loving Yourself #valentinesday: Today you are going to choose three feelings that you want to dominate in your life.  These three feelings should be something you are striving for more of in your life. For example if you want to be more grateful, peaceful and feel fulfilled, I want you to focus on that for the next four days.

I want you to find these feelings already in your life; you do not need to change anything to recognize that they are already there. Some peacefulness right before the rush of the beginning of the day, feeling grateful for someone or something that helped you through the day, feeling fulfilled because of everything you accomplished today! (Even if you didn’t complete the whole to do list)

To help you choose your three feelings, look back at your sheet from yesterday, anything negative you would like to make positive or anything you wish was on the list?

Every time you think something positive or have a particularly happy moment I want you to bring it back to the three feelings you want in your life.  Take a breath be thankful for it and focus on that situation contributing to your overall happiness.

Take time to speak to someone about the three feelings and what situations you felt them in, this will help you to remember. I find this is really nice at the end of the day and helps you close your eyes on a happy note.

Deep Breath.

Love Always, Sophie.

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